Saturday, October 5, 2024

My first and last films, by medium

 The other day, I saw a selection of short films from the Manhattan Short Film Festival at the Palace Theater in Danbury, which made me realize I hadn't seen a feature-length film since 2019, which in turn made me think about the subject of this post, namely what the first and last films I saw (or bought) in the various formats there have been over the years.  Here's my list:

In theater: 

The first film I saw in the theater was All Dogs Go to Heaven, but the first film I actually remember seeing in the theater was Super Mario Bros (the 1993 film).  The first film I went to without my parents was The Fifth Element (I went with a friend), and the first film I went to on my own was Clerks 2.  The last feature-length film I saw in the theater was Darkest Hour; I was never much of a cinema-goer, and lockdown really killed off that habit.  That said, since lockdown's end, I have gone to 3 short film festivals at the Palace Theater, 2 of which were international short film collections and one of which was a collection of science fiction short films.


I don't remember what my first film on VHS was, but I do remember the last two VHS tapes I bought: 28 Days Later, and a 3-episode tape of Father Ted (Titled "Nuns! Nuns! Reverse! Reverse!", and containing the episodes Competition Time, And God Created Woman, and Grant Unto Him Eternal Rest).

On DVD: 

The first film on DVD my family owned was Rat Race; I don't recall what the first DVD I bought for my own use was, but I think it might have been either A Bridge Too Far, or Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels.  As of this post, the most recent DVD I have purchased was The Odessa File.

On Blu-Ray:

The first Blu-Ray I bought was The Lego Movie and the most recent one was Big; I purchased both because they were a dual-format DVD/Blu-Ray set.  I only got a Blu-ray player last Christmas, so the first film I actually watched on Blu-Ray was Clerks, which my brother had given to me for Christmas the year before (he bought a Kevin Smith-signed copy from Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash).

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Plastic Soldier Review: Mars Red Army WWII Infantry


Overview: This set depicts a group of Soviet Red Army infantrymen in the winter uniforms introduced in January of 1943 (featuring traditional shoulderboard rank insignia and standing collars) and in use during the winter months for the rest of the war, up to and including the Battle of Berlin (in the Red Army, summer clothing was usually issued in May and the Battle of Berlin occurred mostly during April of 1945 so most Red Army troops in Berlin were still wearing winter gear).  
They are wearing a mixed set of uniforms, including the telogreika padded jacket and trousers, greatcoat, and gymnastiorka tunic with the plash-palatka rain cape (I'm not sure how historically accurate this would be, with members of the same squad wearing such a variety of uniforms at the same time...).  Headwear is a similar mixture, with some wearing the M1940 helmet, others wearing the ushanka fur cap, and others wearing the pilotka wedge cap.  The uniforms are rounded out with sapogi boots.  The troops with their rain capes on have their equipment covered up, but the remainder of the troops wear typical Red Army gear, including ammunition pouches, entrenching tools (either in a carrier or tucked into their belts), and the veshmeshok pack or small haversack.  The officers are wearing leather Sam Browne belts with mapcases and pistol holsters.  
The troops are armed with typical small arms of the time, including PPSh and PPS 43 submachine guns, Moisin-Nagant rifles, Tokarev pistols (carried by the officers) and a Degtyaryov machine gun.  In addition, one soldier has a captured German Mp38/MP40 slung across his back, and another is carrying an ammunition container for a Maxim gun.
Sculpting: The sculpting is well-done, with a variety of quite interesting and dynamic poses (I particularly like the pose of the soldier in the greatcoat working the bolt of his rifle, and the soldier in the rain cape firing the PPSh).  The only questionable one I found was the officer with his arm in a sling; would someone with an injury like that still be leading troops in battle, even in the Red Army?  While the detail is somewhat basic and "flat" (especially the slung MP40), all the typical equipment is present on the figures and accurately-depicted.  As far as I could tell, there were no major anachronisms, missing equipment, or other inaccuracies in the sculpting.  Also, all the figures stand up easily, with no balance issues.
Packaging: The set came in a cardboard box with stylized artwork on the front and a painted example of each figure on the back.

Molding: The figures are molded in a very hard dark green plastic, with no parts bent or broken off.  Like other Mars models, however, the flashing was very bad, and had to be carved away before painting (a somewhat difficult task, given that the parting line was in the middle of each figure's face).
Selection: Two of each pose are included, except for the machine gunner (who only comes one to a set).  Put together, they generally make for a convincing unit (although like I said earlier, I'm not sure how accurate it would be for one unit to wear such a variety of uniforms at the same time), although it might have been a better selection to have two machine gunners and one officer.
Scale: The figures in this set are on the diminutive side, even compared to other Mars figures (let alone 60mm figures).
Left to right: Airfix Afrika Korps, Mars Red Army, TSSD 60mm Red Army

With Mars British Infantry

Overall: While I have some reservations about the set's accuracy and the flashing, I think this set also has a lot going for it with its excellent poses and representation of an often-overlooked force from WWII; all in all, I'd say the whole is better than the sum of its parts.

The whole set (minus one figure; see below for details)

One figure was painted with Tamiya Copper paint and now serves as a statue on my East German-themed model train layout

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Plastic Soldier Review: Pegasus Hobbies WWII Soviet Naval Infantry

  • Overview: This set depicts a group of Soviet naval infantry in naval-style Square-Rig uniforms from the Great Patriotic War.  They are appropriate from the opening stages of Operation Barbarossa to about 1943, when naval infantry switched over to using khaki army-style tunics and trousers, with only their naval-style caps and shoulderboards as well as their striped telnyashka undershirts differentiating them from their Red Army counterparts.  They are equipped with a variety of small arms, including Moisin-Nagant bolt-action rifles, Tokarev semi-automatic rifles, PPSh submachine guns with drum magazines, Degtaryev machine guns, and one sailor is equipped with a captured German Mp38/40.  In addition, most have stick grenades in their belts, and the commander (wearing a pea coat) is holding binoculars and has a holstered pistol.  Following the norm for Soviet forces at the time, equipment is fairly minimal, with most sailors wearing belts with a single ammunition pouch, a bayonet, and a gas mask pouch slung over their shoulders (once it became apparent that there was no threat from gas attacks, most soldiers and sailors repurposed this into a small haversack).  The standing machine-gunner has belts of ammunition which he is wearing bandolier-style. They are wearing calf-length leather boots, probably the sapogi that were also standard-issue for the Red Army for most of the war.
  • Sculpting: Overall, the sculpts are excellent; the poses are dynamic and varied, with attention payed to particular details like the cap ribbons on the running figures flying back.  Faces are also well-sculpted with realistic expressions.  The figures had their arms molded separate from their torso, which made painting somewhat easier when painting the body parts that would have been behind their weapons.  The only design flaw I noticed was that some running figures had balance issues, and fell over easily.

  • Molding: The figures were made from a somewhat brittle dark blue hard plastic, which unfortunately somehow managed to have a "worst of both worlds" situation; that is, the plastic was both prone to breakage (although I think only one rifle sling was actually broken) and the arm pieces were quite warped, requiring many straightening sessions that involved dipping the pieces first in hot water, then bending them to shape, then dipping them in cold water afterward in order to keep their proper shape.  I also found it somewhat difficult to figure out which arms went to which torso after they'd been cut from the sprue; I realize this was partially my fault, but they could have also molded numbers on the bottom of the figure bases, not just had them next to the figure on the sprue.
  • Packaging: The packaging was a straightforward cardboard box, and did a good job keeping the models free from damage.  The printing on the packaging was simple but well-done, with a photograph of the painted figures against a scenic backdrop on the front cover and a photograph of them against a white background on the back, along with a short paragraph about Soviet Naval Infantry.  There are no other guides or manuals included in the packaging.
  • Selection: The group makes for a believable naval infantry squad, with a good cross-section of different weapons and poses.  None of the poses are re-used, and there's a good balance between standing, kneeling, and prone figures.  My biggest disappointment with the selection was that only one figure was wearing machine gun ammunition belts, when it was far more commonly-worn early in the war and a really iconic look for early-war naval infantry.
  • Scale: They seem a bit on the smallish side compared to Airfix figures (let alone Toy Soldiers of San Diego 60 mm figures), but scale well with Mars 54mm figures:
    Left to right: Airfix Afrika Korps, Pegasus Naval Infantry, TSSD Red Army Infantry
  • Overall: Despite a few niggles, I found this to be a visually interesting and well-made set of a rarely-depicted aspect of WWII, and think that these would look right at home storming the beach!

My naval infantry in action:

Sunday, September 15, 2024

New Blog category: Plastic Soldier Review

 Recently, I have been getting back into my former hobby of collecting and painting plastic soldiers (primarily in 54/60mm scale) and as a result have decided to post some photo overviews/reviews on the sets I've been getting and painting.  Each review will discuss the following characteristics of each set:

  • Overview: This part of the review will discuss what each set is supposed to be a depiction of, what kinds of uniforms, weapons, and equipment they have, and which timeframe this set is suitable for; some sets might only be appropriate for a very specific campaign or scenario, while others might be appropriate for a period of several years or even decades.  Inaccurate or anachronistic aspects of the set (if any) will also be discussed in this part of the review.
  • Sculpting: Historic accuracy aside, how good is the sculpting of the set?  How detailed is everything, and how well-rendered are things like the facial expressions, poses, etc?  Are there any "design flaws" to the set that come from sculpting, like issues with balance, crew-served weapons fitting figures' hands, etc?
  • Molding: How well-made is the set in terms of the material and its molding?  Is there a problem with flash, are the mold halves misaligned, or is there some other problem of this nature?  A well-sculpted set can be let down by poor material or manufacturing quality, while conversely a more basic set can be redeemed (to an extent) by being well-made.  Also, when it comes to plastic soldiers, there are generally two types of plastic that manufacturers have to choose between: either a harder plastic that is more brittle, prone to breakage, and difficult to mold with fine details (but less susceptible to warping), or a softer plastic that can take fine details but which is more prone to warping; this part will mention which type was used.
  • Packaging: What kind of packaging does the set come in?  How well does it protect the product?  Is it generic, or specific for that particular set?  Does it come with any kind of overview or painting guide or other information?  Is there any deceptive, inaccurate, or misleading aspect of the packaging?   
  • Selection:  How many of each pose is included?  How well do the figures go together as a unit?  How typical or believable is the composition?  A set consisting of a general, a downed pilot, and a commando on a raft (no matter how well-made it is) will inevitably suffer in this category compared to a more "basic" set that makes a convincing infantry squad or artillery crew.
  • Scale: How well do the figures in this set fit in with other 54/60mm figures?  I generally use an Airfix 54mm soldier as the "standard" to judge whether these figures are under-or-oversized.
  • Overall: My overall thoughts on the set: I'm generally willing to forgive some quality issues or other shortcomings if the set depicts an interesting or rarely-depicted subject matter; that said, sometimes a problem in one area can bring down my opinion on the set as a whole.  Also, if there are any other aspects of the set (good or bad) not covered by the above categories, here is where they will get mentioned.

As well as the review itself, I will also show painted examples of each set, and give painting advice based on my knowledge of the subject matter (corrections and additions welcome).  I do not intend on giving a numbered score or letter grade to any of the sets because I don't think my opinion can be summed up in that manner, and I also don't plan on including a buy/don't buy recommendation; each review is just my thoughts on that particular set of plastic soldiers.

Luke's Random Thoughts Relaunched!

 Over the last few years, I have been focusing my attention on my Youtube channel and as a consequence neglecting this blog; as a result I have decided to essentially start anew with this blog and am now relaunching Luke's Random Thoughts.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Great Episodes: The Angry Beavers: Fancy Prance

The Angry Beavers was one of my favorite shows growing up, as I found it one of the most consistently hilarious shows on air at the time (keep in mind it aired from 1997 to 2001, right as The Simpsons was beginning its lengthy plunge in quality). As a model railroader, my favorite episode of The Angry Beavers is Gift Hoarse, but if I was going to select a representative episode to show someone who's never seen The Angry Beavers, I'd choose the episode Fancy Prance, an episode which simultaneously parodies Rocky, Full Metal Jacket, and Babe.

Episode Synopsis:

An enraged poodle with mangled fur is seen running out of Norbert and Daggett's dam, pursued by Daggett who still has to apply the styling mousse.  When he fails to catch up to the poodle, he tells Norb that he's giving up his lifelong dream of being a poodle groomer.  Norb reveals that according to his computer calculations, that wasn't Dag's lifelong dream, it was his thousandth lifelong dream!

Dag tells Norb that while he might have a new lifelong dream every few, at least he has lifelong dreams, unlike Norb; Norb tells dag that he does have a lifelong dream, but he's never told anyone and he's not going to tell Dag what it is.  Dag says he'll just wheedle the dream out of Norb, which he does by saying "wheedle" over and over again day and night until Norb gives in.

Norb eventually breaks down and tells Dag that his lifelong dream is to be a Lippizaner Stallion, but dismisses it as a silly idea; on the contrary, Dag thinks it's a great idea and encourages Norb to pursue it.  Dag also accompanies Norb, telling him that his new lifelong dream is "to be the crusty but lovable trainer for the little guy who's going for his lifelong dream", so the two of them take a transatlantic bus to Vienna.

When they arrive, Norb finds out that Lippizaner tryouts are being held this week.  At the training center, he meets "Horsery Sergeant Günther" (voiced by the late, great R. Lee Ermey), who turns the audition into the beginning of Full Metal Jacket.  Although he's impressed with Norb's attitude and solo performance, Norb is a failure with a rider.

When Norb tells Dag he's giving up on his lifelong dream, Dag tells Norb "You ain't going nowhere" and proceeds to put Norb through a training regimen, in which Norb must dodge spitballs shot at him by the Vienna Boys' Choir, rhino-wrestle, and perform an interpretive dance while drinking soup without slurping, spilling or belching.  It soon turns into a Rocky-esque montage (in which the show's theme song can be heard being played in the style of the Rocky theme), culminating in Norb running up the steps of a building and raising his arms.

The day of the test, Norb finds out that  while his training may have made him able to handle a rider, he still doesn't manage to pull off "the leap of the goat".  Dag tells him to give up, which Norb thinks is a case of Dag using reverse psychology.  This makes Norb pass the test with flying colors, and he's accepted as a true Lippizaner by the other stallions.  During the denouement, Günther narrates that Norbert went on to become one of the most beloved Lippizaners of all time (whose double leap has never been equaled), while Dagget went on to become "a target holder, a weasel polisher, a steeplejack, a rollerskate repair technician..."; while listing Dagget's accomplishments, the screen fades to black and the narration fades out, ending the episode.

What makes this a great episode:

Like many well-done episodes where the whole story parodies a film, this episode offers a bonus for people who have seen the work it's parodying (or works, in this case), while still being a hilarious episode to watch for those who haven't seen them*.  Getting R. Lee Ermey to voice Günther really made this episode stand out; with one of the cast regulars (or even another guest voice) voicing Günther instead it wouldn't have been the same.

For those who have seen Rocky and Full Metal Jacket, there's a bonus to viewing this episode, as many shots from those films are recreated in this episode.  In addition, much of Günther's dialogue is remarkably similar to R. Lee Ermey's dialogue in Full Metal Jacket (albeit profanity-free).

* For a good comparison between a good and bad whole-plot parody, watch the Simpsons episodes Cape Feare and The Debarted; while the former works well as a stand-alone work, that latter really requires the viewer to have watched The Departed for it to make any sense. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Great Episodes: Blackadder Goes Forth: Goodbyeee

Spoiler Alert: if you have not yet seen the Blackadder series, please do so before reading this blog post.

For four series, the various Blackadder shows gave audiences a hilarious look at various points in British history, including:
  • The Wars of the Roses (The Black Adder)
  • The Elizabethan era (Blackadder II)
  • The Regency era (Blackadder the Third)
  • and finally, the First World War (Blackadder Goes Forth)
Most of these series featured Rowan Atkinson as a witty and sarcastic "only sane man" snarking about various aspects of the time period he's living in (although sometimes he's been described as someone with a present-day outlook on the past, I could see a contemporary Edmund being just as sarcastic about the present day).  He's usually paired with Baldrick, a servant of low intelligence and questionable hygiene, a capricious and often immature or stupid superior (Queenie in II, Prince George in III, and Melchett in Blackadder Goes Forth).  In both II and Blackadder Goes Forth, Edmund has a counterpart of roughly the same rank as him with a mutual dislike; in II it's Lord Melchett and in Blackadder Goes Forth it's Captain Darling.

Although the other Blackadder series ended with one or all of the characters getting killed off, those endings were all played for laughs; in Godbyeee, that is definitely not the case.  Probably the biggest reason is the "too soon" aspect; while the other time periods were far-removed for 1980s audiences, WWI still had a number of surviving veterans then.  As a result, the protagonists who go over the top are treated with the utmost of respect and sympathy, making for a poignant and memorable ending for not only the episode but the series as a whole.

Episode synopsis:

The episode begins with Bladrick, Blackadder, and George waiting in their dugout for "the big push".  George is eager to go, telling Edmund that he volunteered to join at the start of the war alongside his classmates from Cambridge (interestingly, this episode is the only time in the series that we are told the backstories of the characters), only to reveal that all of his classmates are now dead.

Edmund tells George that the high rate of casualties is exactly why he's going to try to get out of the big push, and tells Baldrick to get two pencils and a pair of underpants.  His plan is to put the underwear on his head , stick the pencils up his nose, and say "wooble"; the army would think he's gone insane and send him back home, as he puts it "a poor, gormless idiot".  Baldrick asks why the army didn't send him home, as he's a poor gormless idiot as well, but Edmund replies that it's because Baldrick never said "wooble".

George sees Edmund in his new getup and is convinced that Edmund is genuinely insane, and sends for General Melchett and Captain Darling.  Baldrick offers Edmund a coffee with "substitute ingredients" of mud (substituting for the coffee), dandruff (sugar), and saliva (milk); Edmund declines.  While waiting in the dugout, Baldrick asks how the war started (he thinks someone named Archie Duke shot an ostrich because he was hungry).  When Melchett and Darling arrive, they ask George if Edmund is genuinely crazy, or has he simply put his underwear on his head and stuffed two pencils up his nose.  When Edmund overhears Melchett threatening to shoot anyone who tried to use that trick, he backs down and plays it off as showing Baldrick how soldiers used to pretend to be insane.  Darling and Melchett leave (after the former does a spit-take, having tried Baldrick's "coffee:), and Edmund is left with George and Baldrick in the dugout.  Baldrick reads two of his war poems, the first of which is:

Hear the words I sing,
War's a horrid thing.
So I sing, sing, sing,

 Edmund's review is that "It started badly, tailed off in the middle, and the less said about the ending the better, but apart from that, excellent.", which prompts Baldrick to share another poem, which is titled "The German Guns:

Boom, boom, boom, boom,
boom boom boom.
Boom boom boom boom,
boom boom boom.
(Baldrick is no Wilfred Owen or Siegfried Sassoon...)

This makes Edmund stir-crazy, which results in Baldrick offering Edmund a plan: call up Field Marshall Haig, and ask him to get him out of the offensive.  Realizing that Haig owes him a favor because he saved Haig's life back during a colonial war, Edmund gets ready to leave.  George offers to bring everyone over to his house after the war, where they could relive old times.  Edmund asks if this means they would dig a hole in his garden, fill it with water, and get their gamekeeper to shoot at them all day.  George wonders why Edmund is a career officer if he hates war so much; Edmund replies it's because when he joined the army "the prerequisite of a British campaign was that the enemy should under no circumstances carry guns".

Baldrick shares his own memory of joining up at the start of the war, which segues into him asking why they don't just stop the war; neither Edmund nor George can provide an answer.  George recalls the Christmas truce of 1914, including a soccer game; Edmund is still livid over being declared "offside" by a referee.  Meanwhile, at headquarters, Melchett tells Darling that he's sending him to the front line.

Back in the dugout, Edmund makes his call to Haig, asking to get out of the coming offensive; Haig tells Edmund that if he does get him out of this, he never wants to hear from him again.  His advice to Edmund? "Put your underwear on your head and stick two pencils up your nose.  They'll think you've gone insane and send you home.  Right, favor returned.", and hangs up.  Edmund stares in disbelief at the receiver, and tells Baldrick and George "I think the phrase rhymes with 'clucking bell'".  Edmund gets another call, this time from General Melchett, who tells them that Captain Darling will be joining them.

Darling arrives on the front line, and for once Edmund treats him decently; throughout the series, much of the antagonism directed at Darling from Edmund was because Darling managed to do what Edmund couldn't: get a position behind the lines and out of the trenches.  With Darling now at the front line, the reason for this animosity has now vanished.

As they leave their dugout George admits he's scared and Baldrick offers yet another cunning plan to get out of the offensive.  Edmund tells him that "Well, I'm afraid it will have to wait.  Whatever it was, I'm sure it was better than my plan to get out of this by pretending to be mad.  I mean, who would notice another madman around here?  Good luck, everyone."  Edmund blows his whistle, and everyone charges over the top to their fate while a slow piano rendition of the theme song plays.  The scene of the battlefield then fades to a peaceful poppy-filled field, with the sound of birds in the background.

What makes this episode so great:

This series manages to achieve the impossible, that is both be respectful of the soldiers of WWI and their sacrifices while simultaneously being one of the most consistently hilarious Britcoms ever made.  This episode is the ultimate example of that; in less than half an hour you go from jokes about making coffee out of mud to an ending that would have been utterly devastating even in a dramatic work.

In addition, this episode in particular is quite well-written.  For example, when George recalls his classmates who joined up with him, he gets into almost a "dead parrot sketch" number of euphemisms for death (not to mention the ridiculous nicknames):

George: Well, er, Jocko and the Badger bought it at the first Ypres front,
        unfortunately -- quite a shock, that. I remember Bumfluff's house-
        master wrote and told me that Sticky had been out for a duck, and the
        Gubber had snitched a parcel sausage-end and gone goose-over-stump

Edmund: Meaning...?

George: I don't know, sir, but I read in the Times that they'd both been

Edmund: And Bumfluff himself...?

George: Copped a packet at Galipoli with the Aussies -- so had Drippy and
        Strangely Brown. I remember we heard on the first morning of the
        Somme when Titch and Mr Floppy got gassed back to Blighty.* 
What, me? I joined up straightaway, sir.
August the 4th, 1914.
Ah, what a day that was.
Myself and the rest of the fellows, leapfrogging down to the Cambridge recruiting office and then playing tiddlywinks in the queue.
We'd hammered Oxford's tiddlywinkers only the week before, and there we were, off to hammer the Bosche.
A crashingly superb bunch of blokes fine, clean-limbed even our acne had a strange nobility about it.
Yes, and how are all the boys now? Well, ah, Jocko and the Badger bought it at the First Ypres run, unfortunately.
What a shock, that.
I remember Bumfluff's housemaster wrote and told me that Sticky had been out for a duck, and the gubber had snitched a parcel sausage end and gone goose over stumps frog side.
Meaning? I don't know, sir, but I read in the "Times" that they'd both been killed.
And Bumfluff himself? Copped a packet at Gallipoli with the Aussies.
So did Drippy and Strangely Brown.
I remember we heard on the first morning of the Somme, when Titch and Mr.
Floppy got gassed back to Blighty.
- Which leaves? - Gosh, yes, I I suppose I'm the only one of the Trinity Tiddlers still alive.
Blimey, there's a thought, and not a jolly one.

The serious and comedic elements are often seamlessly juxtaposed; for example, Edmund's speech about how Britain's in a glass house when it comes to blaming Germany for its colonial expansionism starting the war...:

Edmund: Do you mean "How did the war start?"

Baldrick: Yeah.

George: The war started because of the vile Hun and his villainous empire-

Edmund: George, the British Empire at present covers a quarter of the globe,
        while the German Empire consists of a small sausage factory in
        Tanganyika. I hardly think that we can be entirely absolved of blame
        on the imperialistic front. being delivered by a man with his underwear on his head.

Later on, George reminisces about the Christmas Truce of 1914, to which Edmund responds with the legendary Blackadder Sarcasm: 

Edmund: Both sides advanced more during one Christmas piss-up than they
        managed in the next two-and-a-half years of war.

On the visual side, this is quite a well-directed episode, with many moments of brilliance; for example look at how menacing the driver taking Darling to the front looks, even though he's just a silhouette:

Almost all of the episode takes place in Edmund and George's dugout; as a result, there's a very claustrophobic atmosphere throughout the episode.

Ultimately, this episode ended up being a send-off for the series as a whole; while in later years a few specials would be made, they never made any regular episodes after this.

Other notes:
  • Edmund goes through many of the Kübler-Ross "stages of grief" in this episode, including denial, anger, bargaining, and finally acceptance.
  • "Good luck, everyone" is just about the only altruistic thing a Blackadder ever said...
  • Blackadder (and Blackadder Goes Forth in particular) have been accused of being more about depicting popular perceptions of the periods they depict rather than depicting the periods themselves; Blackadder Goes Forth definitely plays up the "lions led by donkeys" perception of the British Army in WWI; Melchett is treating the war like a game or sporting event (he thinks that his sending Darling to the front line is a special treat), and Haig is shown sweeping toy soldiers off of a miniature landscape with a dustpan.
  • George and Baldrick's tales of joining up en masse with their friends on the outbreak of the war only to suffer horrendous casualties is all too common; perhaps the best-known real-life example of this is the "Accrington Pals", who lost 585 out of a total of 700 volunteers in a half hour during the Battle of the Somme.
  • For more information on WWI in general, I recommend the excellent Youtube series The Great War; one episode of their feature "Out of the Trenches" discusses Blackadder Goes Forth.
*Transcript from: BlackAdder Scripts