Sunday, October 21, 2018

Ramen Review Addendum 1: Non-Ramen Review 1: Vifon Beef-Flavor Vietnamese-Style Instant Rice Noodles

Recently, Mike Kaltschnee of the Danbury Hackerspace has been an enthusiastic reader of my Ramen Reviews, and due to both his enthusiasm for these reviews and his having recently started a low-carb diet, very kindly donated one of his favorite varieties of instant noodles for me to review.

Like the Raoh Tonkotsu Ramen, the contents of this bag consist of the noodles themselves, a soup base packet, and an oil packet.

Unlike the other noodles that I have reviewed so far, these noodles are prepared by emptying all of the contents of the bag into a bowl, pouring boiled water into said bowl, and then covering it for 3 minutes (all of my previous reviews were prepared by boiling or simmering the noodles in water, then pouring either the noodles and water [as was done with Top Ramen] or just the water [as was done with Raoh] into a bowl with the flavoring pouch's contents).

When finished, the soup manages to capture much of the smell and flavor of restaurant pho quite effectively.  The broth is very flavorful, and the noodles taste a lot like their restaurant counterparts (although the noodles' texture seems a bit "off"; perhaps I've just been spoiled by Raoh noodles...). 

All in all, this was quite an enjoyable soup, and I would once again like to thank Mike Kaltschnee for his donation!

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